Product Development: Rapid Learning with Deployment Testing

Product development process

One important aspect of all product development is the need for rapid learning. Rapid learning enables teams to build products better aligned with customer needs and drive business success quickly. Fusion Design fosters a culture of continuous improvement and innovation in the pursuit of creating products that deliver exceptional value to customers. 

Rapid Learning combined with Deployment testing is a crucial step in the development process. Deployment testing does not mean you are done, just that you are ready to put the product in a real-world environment and get feedback. 

One recent example is how we facilitate rapid learning for an electromechanical material handling system we designed for use in a cafeteria. We built six fully functional robotic prototypes for the initial deployment testing, putting them to everyday use with real life constraints. We then watched user interactions and learned a lot. Below are some of our learnings.    

Adoption and Usage Patterns 

Observing user interactions with the product can provide valuable insights into its usability, functionality, and overall user experience. First, we observed users interacting with the product. During that time, we watched their facial expressions. Do they smile? Do they frown? Do they look confused or frustrated? Then, we spoke to the users, probing for their assessments of the prototype systems’ usability and functionality. At the same time, the devices were connected to the local network to capture performance data. Much of what we learned was used to improve design and user interface guides related to the machine and the usage process (UI). 

Performance and Stability 

For six months, the prototype systems saw real use and we were very happy with the product's performance. The machines rarely missed an operation, and the few issues that occurred were rapidly remedied. At the end of the six months, the client had a hardened product. Everything we learned rolled into small upgrades which made the machine more resistant to failure and increased reliability while keeping users happy. 

By closely observing these aspects, companies can gather valuable insights that inform future iterations, updates, and improvements to their product. Continuous monitoring and learning from the deployment testing process can improve customer experiences and increase product success. Our rapid learning accelerated product development by promoting quick decision-making and efficient execution. By shortening development cycles and reducing time-to-market, companies can gain a competitive edge, capture market opportunities, and establish themselves as leaders in their respective industries.