Fiber Pumps for Haptics Devices and Wearables

Researchers at the Switzerland-based École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne have developed fiber-like pumps that allow high-pressure fluidic circuits to be woven into textiles without an external pump. 

The pumps are made by twisting together thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) threads and copper wire to create a roughly two millimeters diameter tube. Then, they can generate fluid flow and pressure by applying a voltage to the tube.  

Integrating the tubing into the fabric at the microscale level suggests interesting possibilities in supportive exoskeletons, thermal clothing, and immersive haptics.  

The video demonstrates the use of the pump in a thermal haptic glove that simulates the thermal properties of materials in virtual reality.  

The full article also discusses the pump's flexibility and stretchability characterization and demonstrates the use of the pumps in a thermal haptic glove. 

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